Wednesday, July 21, 2004

John, Michael and I Swim

This morning I swam with John and Michael for about an hour. I tried to knit a bit, but they wanted me in the water with them so I had to jump on in! We had fun splashing around and diving for the rocket. John and I floated around on the rafts a bit near time to get out and I said to him, "When you are back in school you are going to think back on this and remember what fun we had." He said, "I'm going to think back on this when I'm a grown up and miss doing this." I thought that was soo sweet and insightful for an almost 8 year old boy to realize. We are really trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer. I know they want school to start to see friends and get into a routine but after about 2 weeks they are going to wish it was summer again. Isn't that the way life works. We humans are never satisfied! LOL!

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