New York was great! Loved spending time with my little cutie pawootie. She is such a lovely young lady. I love her spirit and the woman she has become. We saw Conan O'Brien at "The Little Mermaid" which was great! It was such a full circle moment for me watching that play with Jen. I remember when she was an adorable little 2 year old listening to her sing those songs from the movie as I was recovering or resting from chemo. We would have neighbors sitting with the babies (she was almost 2 Davis was a newborn)...and I can still remember hearing her sweet voice singing "Part of that World!" in my groggy, anti nausea medication stupor. She was passionate about it, even at that age. She still loves singing and the Broadway thing is just perfect for her, but she has college to finish and she is so uncertain about what she wants to do. I want her to do what she loves to do but will it make her happy in the long run. I don't know. I do believe her heart is in NY. She still longs for K. but will he make it? I know she loves him and it breaks my heart for her. He has had such a hard life. I think deep down he is a good guy, he's just not into authority figures. I pray he can stick with it, for his sake and hers. 

So I'm in that play at the Lunt-Fontanne theater and this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and sadness sweeps over me just as Ariel leaves her father and I am just sobbing. Wow! Didn't think it would affect me so profoundly. I just wish Tim could have been there too. He and Davis are right now camping in the North Rim, AZ Campground for their father/son trip. I miss them soooooo much. Davis is almost 18 so they are my men. Love those men! The boys have been taking good care of things while the real men have been gone. John (12) and Mike (7) are big helpers during the day while Jen is at work (Fractured Prune). I am such a lucky woman. Thank God for my good fortune to have a lovely family. Amen!
Check out the photo from John's was delicious...and the Italian Margarita wasn't bad either!
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