Nineteen years ago my belly was huge. I had been feeling quite miserable for about a week. Hard to sleep, couldn't roll over in the bed without great effort. I had been off of work for about two weeks, taking an early maternity to get things ready around the student dorm we were living in. I was 24. It seems so young by today's standards. So many women put off having their first kid until their 30's. Anyway, I was ready. Was she ready to come? Was she a she? We didn't know. By around noon I was feeling some tightness and sharpness so I thought...This is it. As it turned out, I wasn't in active labor but the OB decided she wanted to hit close to her projected due date of January 31 so she induced me. In retrospect, the labor was not bad at all. She was born by 8:27 pm, welcomed into the world by her Daddy who promptly took her swaddledness out to meet Grandmama, Granny and Papa. Tim said, "Everyone, meet JLW". Our good friend Gary was also there. It was so exciting and Tim claimed, "We need to have six of these!" That first baby, especially a sweet little girl, will always be a warm, happy memory. She has been a joy and is such a precious young woman. I love her so. Ahhh, memory lane.
In other family news, Michael lost a front tooth. This was more traumatic than the last two on the bottom. He sounds funny now trying to talk.
Yes, that is just one tooth missing on top. It looks like almost enough room for three teeth. The famous Hammock gap I guess. LOL. :)
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