Today makes Day 5 since I started knitting! I had attempted it over a year ago and gave up due to vertigo, but I've tried again and it's working out very well. I have already knitted my daughter a beautiful plum colored scarf and I'm starting on my youngest son's blueish denim one. I hope I stick with it! We had a great day today. It was a no TV day so the little ones played games and I helped them with a Spiderman puzzle. Michael, 3, really was better at it than I thought he would be. John and Michael also spent a lot of time outside as the weather has been a bit cooler lately. The older two Jen and Dave rode the dirt bike and four wheeler all afternoon and we finished off the day by meeting Daddy at Chili's and having a fun dinner. He had a meeting at the hospital he had to wait around for, so the rest of us are all back home winding down for the evening.
By the way, the photo was taken at Halloween about 2 years ago. I was Spa Lady. I think I scared the kids at the door to death. One little girl wouldn't come near me...I "kinda" felt bad, but couldn't help but be tickled.
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