Sunday, December 12, 2004
Sunday, December 5, 2004
Church today and boy was it nice. Dedicated the new sanctuary which was so exciting and the place was packed. Time to build a new one? What a nice problem to have. Both services met at 10 so we had twice the amount as usual. Music was great, especially the Hallelujah chorus....a glimpse of heaven, truly.
Well, thought I'd share a couple more pics of the half-pipe. Almost done. Tim is going to enclose the base so the little boys have a fort and then I think he is going to start on a tree house. What a good Daddy he is. I love that man, I do.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Well, today is Thanksgiving Eve! Time to get cooking! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and enjoy the days off from school and work. It will just be the six of us but we will make the best of it. Davis is most excited to have a feast. He inspires me to make some tasty things. It is somewhat disconcerting, however, to know that his favorite Thanksgiving dish is canned (gasp!) cranberry sauce. LOL! Well, I'm off to prepare. God Bless everyone at this special time of thanksgiving...and let's remember Who we are to thank.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Fall Trip-Peak of Color
We had a great trip to Blowing Rock this past weekend. It was a fun trip and we celebrated Michael's fourth birthday. We really enjoyed ourselves and Jenileigh drove her car with me riding shotgun and all the guys riding with Tim in the Avalanche. We traded the Yukon for an RX-8. Fun trade, huh? We went to Tweetsie Railroad. The younger kids loved it, the older ones tolerated it. LOL! It was fun to see Michael's reaction to everything. He had a blast. Check out the pics.I finished another scarf this weekend, working on another. There is so much to do, and so little time!
Gotta go clean some favorite chore. Yeah, right!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
What a weekend, and it ain't over yet!
Yesterday, September 11th of course, I got a speeding ticket! My first one ever. I think I cried all day long, off and on. What a humilitating experience. The patrol man wasn't very nice in that he said I was just being polite because of the circumstances. That really offended me! I am not a rude person, and I knew I was wrong so why be rude? So weird! Icing on the cake of humiliation. Oh well, guess I'll slow down. I really was not aware of how fast I was going as I was deep in thought about events in our lives right now. Like I said, what a weekend. Hopefully, today will be better.
Thought I'd share some pics of our dogs. Cute huh?
Friday, September 10, 2004
Days of our Existence
Closing in on the end of week number 2 with Mrs. Wax visiting and it has been very nice. I finished a scarf for her and she loved it. Tim took her picture with it on along with Precious on her lap and you can see the color is perfect for her.
Today we went out shopping and so forth after she had her bloodwork done at the hospital to see if she needed the Procrit shot. Happily, she did not need it. To celebrate she and I went to Ruby Tuesdays for the salad bar and then to Belk, Christopher & Banks and then the Gap. After the mall, we then went to the Black-Eyed Susan for a few minutes. They were having their sidewalk sale with most things b/w 50 and 75% off. I got a whole sack of goodies for a mere 12 bucks. It was so cool. Also, at the Gap I bought Tim about 4 nice dress shirts for work. He wears mediums now since he is sooo buff. LOL! It was a very good day.
Jen and Dave brought home progess reports yesterday and they both had all A's. This is so awesome. I am so proud of my teenagers. It is a struggle but they are doing very well. Hard to balance honors classes and swimming and football. I am not sure I could have done it at their age. When I think about it, I had a very boring schedule and still didn't manage all A's. They are awesome kids!
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Michaels' First Day of Pre-School!
Sunday, August 22, 2004
First Fancy Scarf!

Monday, August 9, 2004
First Day of School
Sunday, August 8, 2004
Trip to the Mountains...
Monday, August 2, 2004
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Hair Accident
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Mama Mia!
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Dentist and Mama Mia Tonight
Monday, July 26, 2004
Mellow Yello
I know he will be glad of get that underway. He's gonna be soooo cute! Well, I gotta turn in. I'm getting tired and yawny.
Swim Meet

Sunday, July 25, 2004
Shelby Swim
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
John, Michael and I Swim
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
What will today hold?
Monday, July 19, 2004
What's Gong On

Today makes Day 5 since I started knitting! I had attempted it over a year ago and gave up due to vertigo, but I've tried again and it's working out very well. I have already knitted my daughter a beautiful plum colored scarf and I'm starting on my youngest son's blueish denim one. I hope I stick with it! We had a great day today. It was a no TV day so the little ones played games and I helped them with a Spiderman puzzle. Michael, 3, really was better at it than I thought he would be. John and Michael also spent a lot of time outside as the weather has been a bit cooler lately. The older two Jen and Dave rode the dirt bike and four wheeler all afternoon and we finished off the day by meeting Daddy at Chili's and having a fun dinner. He had a meeting at the hospital he had to wait around for, so the rest of us are all back home winding down for the evening.
By the way, the photo was taken at Halloween about 2 years ago. I was Spa Lady. I think I scared the kids at the door to death. One little girl wouldn't come near me...I "kinda" felt bad, but couldn't help but be tickled.