Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Short Spring
Monday, March 26, 2007
Changes are coming!

Spring is here and in just about two months our baby girl will graduate high school. When did this happen? It wasn't supposed to go by so quickly. I've put it in the back of my mind for so long now, and I guess I need to accept it and move on. In the meantime, spring is blooming all over. The dogs have been enjoying the warmer weather and I've been out taking loads of pictures of all the blooms. I cannot wait to get my basil and thyme in the ground. My rosemary looks fabulous. It wintered rather well. Yum my herbs!
Yes Indeed, Spring is Here!
We are officially into spring. Gorgeous weather lately. Turned on the air Saturday. So much busyness coming up. I think I might lose my marbles. Wowza! Orlando, NYC, Prom, Play and Graduation, then Kiawah, Ocracoke and a lot of Boone. Aaaa! Help! Somewhere in there I've got to clean the house real good for guests and I really should paint the walls but I give up on that. Too much. I knew my soul soared too much the other day. :) Okay, well, on with the day!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
This is my Father's world....
Sunday, March 18, 2007
See How He's Grown
Just like kids, puppies grow up...despite our wishing they wouldn't. He is still a sweet puppy, pretty calm considering he is a male lab puppy. The other big dog's don't think he's so sweet. Maybe the fact that he is obnoxious to them, he saves sweetness for us. He still loves to lay across our laps, but we have to be on the floor now.
There are some photos that are random shots of Charlotte I took one day when Tim and I visited a running store to pick up his 1/2 marathon packet, which he ran last Saturday. His time was 1 hour 50 mins. Eight minutes better than the one he ran 11 years ago. Good job Tim!
There have been several write ups in the local papers about Tim becoming chief of staff at the hospital. It comes at a controversial time with an imminent hospital merger about to occur, otherwise, we doubt it would have even made the paper. Anyway, I included an article with his photo.