Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Panthers Lose...whaaa!

The boys were bummed that the Panthers lost. Oh well, maybe next year they'll make it to the Super Bowl again. Today I see the reflexologist so it will be a slow day, but tomorrow I'm supposed to do some Christmas shopping with my friend Stacy. It's about time I got out and about. I am definitely not a fan of the Black Friday shopping. I still think I'm a hermit at heart. However, the weather here has been so near perfect that I can't stay in for long. Hope all is well in all your worlds. God Bless.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Panthers Win!

Yeah! The Panthers won and Tim and Davis were there to see it. They played the Rams which is the team Denzel Washington's son is on. So cool! When the Panthers win you can count on Tim & Davis being in a great mood, and they were. They had some fellow football fans take this photo. They had great seats to boot. What a great Sunday. They also went to early service and got some good preaching in as well. Good times, good times.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Almost Thanksgiving

Here we are, a few days from Thanksgiving and my house is a big ol mess! I am trying to get organized...but I fail miserably. We had a busy weekend, Jen was in the Concord Christmas Parade representing Mount Pleasant as Miss Mt. Pleasant High School and she rode atop my Mini Cooper with Daddy driving. It was fun and we got to catch up with so many old friends from our years of living in the big city of Concord. Now that we are in the county, we seem to have lost touch. It was a long day, and besides Jen's crown not wanting to stay on (She finally had to slide it onto the Mini's antennae) and the fact that my pictures turned out blurry for some reason, the parade was so very nice. However, our ride home was not so nice. I had Jen, Dave, and Mike with me in the Avalanche and as I was just cruising through a very, very green light ( I have two witnesses) an older man pulled across my path. I slammed on the brakes with both feet and I missed his jeep, but he was pulling a trailer with a four wheeler on it and we hit that. As you can see from the photos, it messed the truck up pretty bad. No one was hurt, thank God, and we had to wait and hour and a half for the police to finally get to us but all is well now, except for my jangled nerves, and stiff legs from the force of pushing so hard on the brakes, but I guess I'm okay. All the way home last night I was on edge, expecting cars to jump out at me at any moment. Yikes! I hate having a wreck! It turns out, the man who pulled in front of me lives very close by. Small world. Well, that's all for today. Hope all is well with everyone out there!

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Autumn...My Favorite Time of Year, at least til Spring!

So much time has passed since the last entry. How sad that I can't keep up with it any better than this. On the other hand, nice to be so busy I guess.

Where to begin....School has started of course, and we are seeing the final public school year of our dear daughter. She is facing this whole big wide world and it is scary. We are not sure where she is going to college, though chances are it will be very close by. She isn't ready to fly the coop for too far away.

Dear Son #1 is a sophomore and is anticipating getting his liscence in the spring. He's in no hurry. I don't blame him. If I had had a sister to drive me around everywhere I never would have gotten mine. LOL.

Dear Son #2 is in 4th grade and has lots of homework. We literally have to stand over him to make him get it done. Not at all a self motivator. What happened with that one? He actually does very well on tests though, so he retains what he hears, he's just not into the nuts and bolts of it all.

And then there is DS#3. Kindergarten is awesome! That is what he says when you ask him. He has two teachers who share one position. One of them is just precious. The other, not into warm fuzzies. I think she would make a better 5th grade teacher, but I suppose it is a good balance as he must wean away from the warm fuzzy types after the loving preschool he had.

We made our annual fall trip to Blowing Rock and it was beautiful. It was rainy our first day there but gorgeous leaf viewing occurred after that. DD walked the campus at Appalachian State just to get a feel for it. She may apply. Who knows?

Two October birthdays were celebrated, one turned 16 the other 6. What a range of ages we have. It makes for some wild times, some fun times and some stressful times. I guess that is what makes the family machine roll along. Until next time...