Today was Michael's first day of pre-school and then he went to gymnastics afterwards. He had a great time! What a fun day he had. I think it will be a great year for him. He is such sweet boy.
I'm so proud! I just finished my first scarf that I plan to give as a gift. It is soooo pretty! It started out to be for my dear daughter but then decided a college age friend whose birthday is next week might really enjoy will make dear daughter another one! I am having a hard time giving it away as it is so pretty, even if I do say so myslef! LOL! It measures 5 1/2 " W by 5 1/2' L. I've named it Chelsea after the friend I'm giving it to! :)
Well, today was the first day of school for Jen, Dave and John. Michael and I had a quiet day at home, with me just trying to organize and get paperwork done. I ran a virus scan on the computer and got scrapbooking stuff in order (somewhat). Here are a few pics of the kid's first day. I sure did miss them. And to beat it all, Tim went back to work after being off all week. I've been mighty lonesome. Did a bit of knitting also. Tried to keep busy so I wouldn't think about how much I miss the kiddos. Davis is still at football practice. Jen starts swimming in September so for now our schedule will be a bit slower. We booked Chetola for October 9-12. Can't wait for that trip. We'll celebrate Michael's Birthday. Yippee!
Got back today from Chimney Rock with the whole crew. Had a great time. Lots of LOUD motorcycles and loud people but the actual Chimney Rock was nice. It was so nice and cool and we slept all night with the windows open. It was a last hurrah before school starts tomorrow for the oldest three...they all dread it. Hope it goes well. I will miss them terribly.
Monday, August 2, 2004
Took the car in today. Wow! The lot was filled with terribly torn up cars! Made me feel better about mine. It is still a pain though. It makes me so sad that I had a stupid accident. But like Tim says, it could have been worse. Always keep that in mind. Thank goodness no one was hurt.